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Rooted Growing Branching

Christian Education and Formation

Christian Education for All Ages

We welcome and invite all ages to gather for Christian Education following Worship.  Children and youth meet from 10:45am-12:00pm.  Adult classes begin at 11:10am following coffee and conversation and run until noon.   The Christian Education program occurs from September to June, with a break during the summer months.  Christian Education classes are places of friendship, faith formation, and hospitality.  Whether you are 3 or 103 years old, there is a place for all!   Together we discern and nurture our individual and collective journeys of faith.

Sunday School for Children and Youth

shine logoWe offer engaging Sunday School classes for children, preschool-youth including. A typical morning includes: snacks, Bible stories, music, worship, and response activities. A yearly offering project invites our children to share God’s generosity with others and be good stewards of God’s gifts.

Shine: Living in God’s Light is a dynamic Sunday school curriculum for age 3 to grade 8 that engages Christian communities in their life together.

Inter-generational Sundays during Advent and near Earth Day are also highlights of the Christian Education year. On these Sundays, children and adults visit different activity centres during the Sunday School hour that highlight the theme of the day.

Sunday School Covenant

Please click on Sunday School covenant to view the covenant and the different ways our church works at faith formation.
SS covenant 2018(click for pdf version)

Young Adult and Adult Learning Opportunities

We invite young adults and adults to attend a class of their choice. We offer different electives which run for up to six weeks. A “Christian Education Special Event” gathers all adults together. The classes range in size and range in style from lectures to interactive discussion. Topics include: Bible Study, Christian Witness, and Christian Worship.



Youth Ministry  

We welcome youth and their friends into a dynamic relationship with God and others through Mennonite Youth Fellowship (MYF). This group meets with MYFs of other local Mennonite churches to form a fun and meaningful group where events are planned monthly. Our purpose of youth ministry is to provide a safe place and meaningful experiences that welcome youth into our community of faith and facilitate their being and becoming unique expressions of God’s love in the world.

MYF opportunities include: social events or service projects, youth worship experiences, Mennonite youth retreats, Mennonite Church Canada Youth Assembly, catechism, and mentoring relationships with adults.

Summer Camps! 

The following are summer camps that many of our congregation enjoy.  Click to go to their site.

slmcSilver Lake Mennonite Camp

Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp & Retreat Centre

fraserlakeFraser Lake Camp.

 Ontario Mennonite Music Camp