Erb Street Idol 2014
An evening in early May was the time for some church talent to come out of the closet in support of the Peace & Justice Ministry (free will offering). This year, like previous years, was fun. (Click on photos to get the full size, then our browser’s Back button to return.)

It started with Mr. Noah (played by Miranda) and a frustrated potential ark animal

The first few acts were all family groups.

I can’t remember what Nina sang, but it was funny.

Jason got many of his daughters involved in a game show.

wait for it…


all’s well that ends well.

And the family road show continued.

And then we even got into a comedic reading.

And then the serious/professional musicians started to make their appearances.

Of course, professionalism wasn’t going to last long….

Leave it to the spouse to bring us back to amusing takes on serious literature (The Cremation of Sam McGee).

And Chris took us to a new level with air guitar canoe paddle…that only he could hear.

Hey! Now I can’t hear the sound either…..

And a comeback by serious musicianship.

And though it may not show, the serious songs continued with John Denver’s “Like a Sad Song”.

And this artist wrote his own song.

And the wonderful continued.

And finally another beautiful song from another couple (and MC).

And the traditional group song closing. Can’t wait for next year.