Lead Pastor

Scott Brubaker-Zehr
Scott @
Office Manager
Shari Janzen
office @
Feel free to call us: 519-886-3570
Key Positions:
- Church Council Chair: Elaine Ranney
- Vice-Chair: Karl Kessler
- Recording Secretary: Kaye Collard
- Treasurer: Joyce Collard & Kaye Collard
- Chair of Elders: Richard Kennel
- Chair of Worship: Joanne Bender
- Christian Formation Ministry Chair: Alison Blair
- Stewardship of Gifts Chair: Margaret Shantz
- Finance Committee Chair: Kayla Wallace Groh
- Chair of Personnel Committee: Sandra Schiedel
- Chair of Safe Church: Kaye Collard
- Property & Facilities Committee Coordinator: Geoff Vanderkooy