Dinner at Mary’s Place (YWCA Emergency Shelter)
Once again, the youth and junior youth and friends help make and served dinner for the residents of they YWCA Emergency Shelter. A few more pictures were taken, but no group shot. Evidently you can’t have what you had last year…. 🙂

Peel. Potatoes. Peel, peel, potatoes. (can you hear the camp song?)

When you could have up to 60 people, you may need lots of potatoes

Let’s just ignore the fact that there are no hair nets present here, shall we?

Blue. The IN colour to wear when slicing potatoes.

And later at the shelter kitchen where we actually finish everything. You will note aprons and hair nets are the dress code here.

OK. Maybe you need a hair net there too.

Glad I am not that roast beef.

Not sure what they are doing, but there is a good range of emotion on display.

The corn is almost ready.

And the potatoes have been patterned.

Home made cookies for dessert.

… or maybe pie!

This photo could have SO many interesting captions. I leave it to your imagination.

And where the clean-up happens.

The glory of the food industry.

these really are good cookies.