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Rooted Growing Branching

Knotty Kids…



Enthusiastic and fast-learning grades 3 to 5 kids knotted this comforter on two Sunday mornings. It all started because the Sunday school curriculum mentioned quilts and Glenda brought one in and talked about  it. The kids made paper blocks for a quilt, then Glenda suggested it might be fun if they knotted a comforter. (They look much like quilts but are held together with strategically placed knots instead of an overall design of stitches.) Erb Street church has a long tradition of making quilts and knotting comforters and donating them to MCC. Ardith Frey and Gladys Brubacher have been sewing comforters from “kits” that Emily Hunsberger put together. Two of them used these many small colourful squares that have been in the sewing room for a long time, waiting for the perfect project.

Glenda recruited Knotter Professor Kathy Lichti to give instructions. Kids and adults who helped were Uwera and Agape, Bettina, James, James, David, Jack and Lena; Glenda Ribey-Rozmiak, Kathy Lichti, Jo-Anne Matthies, Mike Leepoy, Sharalynn and Michaela Krahn. When the knotting was finished, Lucille Weber finished the comforter by binding the edges. Glenda and Marion Roes hung it in the foyer so everyone could see it before it goes to Mennonite Central Committee to be given to someone who needs a blanket.

And a few pictures of the work in progress.





