Various 2015
OK. You know when you are cooking and you have too much of something to throw it away, but not enough to make a meal for everyone? Well, we have the photo equivalent of that. Not enough photos for their own pages, but they shouldnt’ get left behind either. So, welcome to the first hodge-podge posting of 2015.
Updated Dec 2015, to finish off the year. Updates at the top.

Our new front door (ever so slightly ajar so we could get back in). In fact, the wind used to do this with the previous door. The doors to the left and right of this have been replaced with panels. Of amusement, they used to be the men and women entrances. Times have changed.

The congregation mows the cemetery. Here are two of our volunteers from this summer. (You would be surprised how infrequently we get pictures of people mowing)

Our neighbours Shalom in the midst of their renovation project. (Of note, technically we are their landlord, and for the duration of the project they actually moved into the church with us)

Our Senior’s Potluck from June. (Technically, there were more pictures, but pictures taken while people are eating have a tendency to be less than flattering….)